HMT publish new “Green Book”

HM Treasury released an updated version of the Green Book (2022) on the 31st March 2022.  For those of you new to the world of public sector workings, this is a fairly big deal given the critical way it plays in appraising projects.

The Green Book, or to give its full title ‘Central Government Guidance on Appraisal and Evaluation’ details how public bodies should appraise policies, programmes and projects.  Unlike departmental guidance, the Green Book applies across the whole of government.  In other words, it sets out the “rules of the game” for those of you who require initiatives to be signed off as “Green Book-compliant”.  This will mean any organisation applying to Central Government for grants or funding will need to make sure their application is consistent with the new guide.

AMION Consulting are market-leaders in the preparation of economic appraisals and business cases, especially techniques mandated in the Green Book.